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DownloadReading "Don'tt reckoning system". ~ Twin Aesop Mice

"All winners are baffled by one facet of the competition". ~ BJM #10 "Mediocrities can rise to the highest and fall". ~ Bhagavad Gita

Soulful seeker's
Astute Hellenism


> InfoBridge
> UPOL Lifers
> Love Kibalat
Sheng Jens
> SAF Franchise
> 3D Life Lab
> World Dramas
Cost-sharing Retreat & BIOS Upgrade Santuaries
"Great minds don't make rich on ignorance, pain, ailing, desperation of others". ~ Ralph Peterson

Living (Profit) Road: In CHCA-sanctified, excelentheallinking macrocosmic HB OS overriding HB OS ic trilogical organism) -F (sanctity, authenticity, frugality) radiances, flowing inside-out creativities yieding UPOL boomerangs.

"Tao is yievincing". ~ Lao Tzu

Death (Loss) Road: In dmaging Durga intima mesing vandalism pheromones, role modeling inhumanism on neomeiotic-genesis-devolution path, blasting inside-out anti-UPOL boomerangs.

The Lord of the Lords of the Rings/ King of Kings

"You never find your self until you face the truth". ~ Pearl Bailey

Life Engine of Greatness: Every neural, quietistic, humble, UPOLThe sacred downlinks perking, engendering unlimited uni+verse) <> sun-planet-- with HB OS online editor of lower-uni+verse lurking leviathanism).

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